

  • .w100
  • .tabulated
  • .spacedout
  • .bordered
  • .striped
  • .rich
  • .table-h
		<th class="txt-r">.txt-r Header</th>
		<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Cell</td>
Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell


Variables contributing to this table are the following

Header border color
Cell border color
Footer border color
Padding of .spacedout table
Padding of .rich table
Cell background color in .striped table
Header and footer bg color of .rich table

Let's add width


Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell


Basic styling of underlines and footer overline. .tabulated.

<table class="w100 tabulated">
		<th class="txt-r">.txt-r Header</th>
		<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Cell</td>
			<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Footer</td>
Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Footer Footer .txt-r Footer

Space out

Add spacing between cells. .spacedout

<table class="w100 spacedout">
		<th class="txt-r">.txt-r Header</th>
		<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Cell</td>
Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell


Add borders around cells, with footer border top. .bordered

<table class="w100 bordered">
		<th class="txt-r">.txt-r Header</th>
		<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Cell</td>
			<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Footer</td>
Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Footer Footer .txt-r Footer

Let's add borders and spacing


Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Footer Footer .txt-r Footer


The old fashioned way of identifying rows, .striped

<table class="w100 striped">
		<th class="txt-r">.txt-r Header</th>
		<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Cell</td>
Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell


All together, one shot, .rich

<table class="w100 rich">
		<th class="txt-r">.txt-r Header</th>
		<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Cell</td>
			<td class="txt-r">.txt-r Foot</td>
Header Header .txt-r Header
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Cell Cell .txt-r Cell
Foot Foot .txt-r Foot


Use the .c-x defined in grid, to define percentage widths. Best if you define width in colgroup, as follows

And .md-x, .lg-x also apply.

<table class="tabulated spacedout w100">
		<col class="c-1 md-3">
		<col class="c-2">
		<col class="c-4">
		<col class="c-1">
		<th>c-1 md-3</th>
c-1 md-3 c-2 c-4 c-1 *
cell cell cell cell cell
cell cell cell cell cell
cell cell cell cell cell

Bonus, horizonal

I need this during prototyping phases, a simple, straight forward, scrolling table. Wrap the table in .table-h

cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text cell long more text